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Hello and welcome to Hainan Xingguang Active Carbon Co,.Ltd.
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Contact: Mr.chen, sales manager


Company Website:m.hfrcdt.cn

company address:Mainan town of Wenchang City, Hainan Province, China Hainan Xingguang Active Carbon Co., Ltd.

Common Problem

What Will Activated Carbon Remove?

Author:xghxt Source:xghxt Time:2015-11-04 10:42:53 views:

Organic chemicals are attracted to carbon the best. Very few inorganic chemicals will be removed by carbon

Organic chemicals are attracted to carbon the best. Very few inorganic chemicals will be removed by carbon. The molecular weight, polarity, solubility in water, temperature of the fluid stream and concentration in the stream are all factors that affect the capacity of the carbon for the material to be removed. VOCs such as Benzene, Toluene, Xylene, oils and some chlorinated compounds are common target chemicals removed through use of carbon. Other large uses for activated carbon are the removal of odors and color contamination.



Hainan Xingguang Active Carbon Co., Ltd.        

Address: Mainan Town, Wenchang City, Hainan Province, China, Hainan Xingguang Active Carbon Co., Ltd.

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